• Kununarra

    The team left Darwin today and Jim and John flew 270 miles to Kununarra. Four and a half hours flying ment that Keith won’t be meeing up with them until tomorrow as the road route is much longer! Tomorrow Jim and John are hoping to fly the VFR route through the Bungle Bungles National Park. #34
  • Emkaytee (Darwin)

    The team are now in Darwin enjoying a well deserved couple of days break. We’re staying with Chris and Pat Ogle who are being great, thanks so much for looking after us so well. Since Hell’s Gate we’ve flown to Darwin via Boroloolla, Mataranka and Coinda. The thermal springs at Mataranka proved a welcome break from the flying schedule. En route from Mataranka to Cooinda we flew over Twin Falls and Jim Jim Falls.
  • Hells Gate

    Jim and John arrived in Hells Gate today after a 160 mile flight. They were assisted by tail winds. I’m told the place is idyllic and doesn’t live up to its name. They even did a spot of recreational flying in the evening, which is rather unusual (for the trip that is!). They expect to be in Darwin on Wednesday, weather permitting, so will be in touch then. Keith was last heard of heading west.
  • Three down, one to go!

    Thanks Ingrid for the posting whilst we were in the wilds, best entry we’ve had for ages!! Legs were 230 miles and 160 miles up to Cape York rather than km’s, we wish. The flights up to Bamaga via Cape York were in fine weather and we were very pleased with progress up the eastern side of the Cape, as the thought of these flights had been worrying us for a while.
  • Cape York

    Jim and John arrived safely in Cape York today after a long two leg flight from Cooktown. Despite starting the day worried about a repeat of yesterdays very strong winds, these did not materialise, and they obviously had enough tail wind to keep going for some 5 hours (230km plus 160km legs I believe). Can’t say too much more or comment on the flight as this report has been received second hand via phone messages.
  • Cooktown

    The team, are now in Cooktown after a very brisk flight from Port Douglas yesterday. Cooktown is a lovely airfield but strong wind today has grounded us. Mountains around Cooktown also make things more turbulent. Hoping to make a run up to Lockhart River tomorrow before the winds turn northerly. Next update may be a while as communications are unlikely to be so good further north. Ingrid and Keith are heading back to Cairns tomorrow.
  • On the road again !

    After a few days in and around Cairns, the team headed northwards again this morning for a short leg to Port Douglas. The planes landed at a local microlight strip where the runways was about 10% of the length of the one at Cairns we departed from. Quite a contrast but an equally warm welcome and evan an interview with the local paper. Hopefully tomorrow we will continue to Cooktown. From there John & Jim will continue north to Cape York whilst Keith will head south & Ingrid back to the UK.
  • Back together in Cairns

    The ground & air team members are now back together in Cairns. Jim, john & Ingrid landed at Cairns International airport this morning shortly before Michelle departed from the same place - her plane was a bit larger than ours though ! Thanks very much to the airport authorities & to air traffic control both for allowing us to land amongst the jumbo jets and for the guided tour of the control tower.
  • Tully / Mission Beach

    Yawn - another early flight ! Departing from Ayr we flew round Townsville and north to Hinchinbrooke Island. Jim spent a week on Hinchinbrooke 5 years ago & has bored Ingrid with how stunning it is ever since. Not possible to visit by boat however until easter as weather generally too bad. We landed at Tully, which claims to be the wettest place in Australia. We’re obviously being lucky at the moment as the weather has been good for the last few days.
  • Ayr

    Another early flight this morning saw the aviation branch of the team = leaving Mackay. The intended destination was Bowen but blue skies & a brisk = tailwind caused some in-flight replanning and we pressed on to reach Ayr = (approx 60km from Townsville & nowhere near Prestwick). Hopefully another update soon ! John, Jim & Ingrid = Comment by jim (2002-03-16 06:41:01) Thanks again for looking after us Derek.