• Bunbury again!

    Congratulations to the team on completing their trip around Oz. They arrived in Bunbury this morning. Details to follow once their feet touch the ground! Comment by Helen (2002-04-21 09:22:19) Crezzi, Congraulations from everyone at Roddige. We’ve finally joined the dots on our map ! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Cheers. Comment by crezzi (2002-04-22 03:02:57) Thanks guys - I’m looking forward to getting back & telling you all about it too.
  • Nowergup, Perth

    Just a quick update today. Jim and John have made it Nowergup with a strong tailwind. Hoping the weather will hold for final leg to Bunbury tomorrow. Keith has gone on ahead to Perth. Hopefull more soon! Jim, John and Keith. Comment by Ingrid (2002-04-21 06:59:01) Well done amazing achievement - wish I was there to help you celebrate! What will you do when you wake up at 5am tomorrow and don’t have to check the weather?
  • On the beach at Jurien Bay

    Since the last diary entry the team have been progressing down the coast of West Australia. We lost a day in Carnarvon due to bad weather but were looked after by Peter & Sandie Jacks so things weren’t all bad. When we finally left Carnarvon, we had a very cold crossing of Shark Bay in a strong headwind which prevented us from reaching Steep Point (our final geographic milestone). We spent the day in Denham after diverting to the local airstrip.
  • Carnarvon

    Nullabor Roadhouse The team are in Carnarvon today and hope to continue their journey south, some 30 miles across Shark Bay and beyond, tomorrow. Although unlikely they hope to find accomodation as in the photo (taken in the Nullabor as it will be even more unlikley to be found back home! More soon. Comment by the_ogle_clan (2002-04-16 11:07:13) i am writing to thank you for the pressie there was no reason to do it as i always think that if we ever get over that part of the world we always have a spot to call into I hope you have left a lot of those backpackers alone as some of your country men would like to meet some young backpackers also have a safe trip hope all is well take care the ogle clan
  • Coral Bay.

    Hi All, We had a relatively short flight across from Onslow to Coral Bay today. Coral Bay is a lovely spot and we actually saw a couple of other aircraft in the sky today, a definite novelty!! During the last part of the flight we spotted turtles and John even saw a shark. Tomorrow we’re planning a day off before heading south in to the cold! Keith had a fairly uneventful drive across from Onslow although the roads meant it was a fairly long one today.
  • On the run !

    The guys left Broome yesterday with an aerial escort courtesy of Charles. Rumours of Cyclone Bonny somewhere north west of Australia spurred us on to cover 300 miles to Port Hedland with a brief stop at the Sandfire roadhouse. Anxious viewing of the weather forecast provided some reassurance on the cyclone and also revealed that Port Hedland reached a temperature of 41 deg C. Today we did another two legs to reach Onslow via Karratha.
  • Broome

    Yesterday (9th) the team reached Broome. Jim & John’s flight from Fitzroy Crossing took a detour to land at Derby enroute (as it is the namesake of John’s birthplace). On landing at Broome International, we were met by a reception commitee of some local trikers and airport managment who all mades us very welcome. We also did an interview and had our photos taken for the local paper. Its nice to be back at the seaside again so we decided to celebrate by having a day off before continuing the trip tomorrow.
  • Nothern W.A

    The team are continuing to make good progress across the top of Western Australia. Last night was spent in Halls Creek and the flight to there from Kununurra took us over Lake Argyle and the Bungle Bungles - a unique rock formation caused by erosion. Todays destination was Fitzroy Crossing where we were met by a local triker, John Mitchell who made us very welcome. After a few days of travelling inland we are hoping to reach the coast again tomorrow at Derby.