Had a really early start at 05.15 and flew 400km in 2 legs, with a tailwind! First stop, place called St John’s - spectacular place to put a runway - on top of a ridge with 2000ft drop into a gorge at the end! Second stop Mazeppa Bay. John & Jim
via Jules
Comment by Michael_Sheehan (2003-12-14 11:01:44)
Jysky, merry Christmas to Santa’s little helper in Finland. OK I will learn the Fish Song but JP says it is very difficult and needs loads of beer to do it properly. Have a good Christmas.
Comment by Michael_Sheehan (2003-12-14 10:48:16)
Clangers John? I reckon you neeed immense ‘clangers’ to undertake a jaunt like this one. All respect due.