The team left melbourne on Sat 16th heading off into the gloom towards Wilsons Promentary, the southernmost point of mainland Australia, with John Waite escorting us part of the way. Having completed the first of our objectives, John & Jim met Keith at Yarram. As the weather improved, we continued to Orbost along the much anticipated 90 mile beach which lived up to expectations :-)
Today we enjoyed an easy day with just 2 hours flying. We turned north at Mallacoota and landed at Merimbula in NSW - our fourth state. More soon John Jim & Keith
Comment by John (2002-02-17 22:41:08)
Thanks for the message. Hope to see you in April - we’ll get in touch when we are a little closer. John
Comment by jackie (2002-02-17 22:17:07)
as we watched you disappear into the murk beyond French Island i did wonder how you’d go. Great catching up with you again. Bought a flying magazine on the way home from the airfield. Got to find an instructor … my bank manager isn’t going to thank you :-)
Comment by John (2002-02-17 22:37:25)
very glad you enjoyed the flight & i feel no guilt at your bank managers concern - it was your interests I was thinking off ! Once we rounded Wilsons prom the weather improved or we wouldn’t have gone on to Orbost. Good luck finding in instructor. John
Comment by John (2002-02-17 22:34:11)
Good job she didn’t know about us crossing the Spencer Gulf - 30nm over shark infested water ! At least crosing the nullabor there’s always the road to land on. Keep in touch - Crezzi
Comment by Marge_ (2002-02-18 20:52:32)
Glad to see things are going well. When you get your break in Cairns, visit Port Douglas and also some of the islands in the reef if you get time.
Comment by John_Rodwell (2002-02-19 22:01:33)
John you don’t look like you are missing work - good flying, good wheather, fly safe.
Best wishes from John Rodwell - Jodel D117 G-AWFW
Comment by Michael_Sheehan (2002-02-20 22:07:26)
John, Cressie, if you have any idea how hard Steve and myself have worked to get the site to the position where I can say “Goodonyer Mate” Heard you on the radio. Good luck