Hi All , Jim and John had a dawn flight from Augusta to Albany this morning, early take off because the winds get very strong after about 10am. keith stayed in Walpole last night and has linked up with us again today. More soon, Jim.
Comment by Rachel (2002-01-28 11:10:43)
John & Co. So you’ve really begun. What’s it feel like to fly in Oz? Weather really mucky here! Good job we’ve got the radio telephony course to stop us all from going mad. Paddy & Mick & Dennis & Co have made a cover for the snooker table with your map & details on. It looks very smart! Ella is keeping it up to date so keep the news coming in!
I’m planning that party for when you get back. Lots of British tucker! Respect Rachel
Comment by John (2002-01-30 09:04:03)
Cheers Rach - looking forward to that party but we got along way to go yet ! Had a little reminder of uk weather yesterday with 1000’ cloudbase. Soon burnt off to another scorching hot day though ;-) Not as easy as it sounds as we have been getting up at 0400 to catch the good air. Happy landings - John
Comment by Roger_Harris (2002-01-28 11:59:07)
Good for you to be underway.
Best of luck and enjoy that weather. My total microlighting activities this weekend were restricted to holding down bits of Chris’s hangar while he tried to stop it blowing away!
Will there be any photo’s on the site?
Keep the news coming, it inspires us back here.
Roger (Chilbolton).
Comment by Paul_Jackson (2002-01-29 08:25:55)
Hi Cressie
Enjoy your “holiday”. Have a safe trip. Watch out for ‘roos on the runway. Bring us back a stick of Ayers rock ;-)
I’m glad to hear it is going well so far.
Comment by John (2002-01-30 09:07:21)
Me neither but here I am ! Landed last night to an audience of ‘roos but at least the were sat at the side of the runway. The airfield guides here list “caution roo’s and emu’s” as a hazard at most of the smaller airstrips. Might have to pass on getting you some rock - its about a 3000 mile detour. Hope the training ( & job ?) is going well. John
Comment by Paul_Lawrence (2002-01-29 16:02:53)
Great to see it all got underway. Hope all goes well over next 3 months or so. Will follow your progress.
Best wishes
Syd & Div
Comment by Colin_The_Polite_Engineer (2002-01-30 09:05:44)
Glad to hear (or should that be see as iam looking at the web site?) that all has gone well and that the aussies liked the suzuki. Lost by some of the flying terms and weather descriptions but can relate to the road and keiths driving!
You don’t looked too tanned yet in the photos but early days i suppose.